Somatic Healing & Reiki

How can somatics and energy healing work for you?

A Balanced Approach

Somatic healing and Reiki are powerful modalities that work in harmony to restore balance and promote well-being. Somatic healing focuses on the profound connection between the body and the mind. It involves various practices that facilitate the release of stored tension, trauma, and emotional blockages from the body.

Reiki is an energy healing technique that channels universal life force energy to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities. Together, these modalities create a holistic approach to healing that addresses not only physical but also emotional and energetic aspects of well-being.

Intuitive Offerings

Each session is thoughtfully crafted to honour your body's intuitive wisdom and may include modalities such as Reiki, facilitated breathwork journeys, guided mediations, EFT tapping, embodied movement, sound healing, and other deconditioning processes. We welcome our time together as a collaborative journey, intuitively guided and meeting you where you’re at, facilitating your healing and self-discovery process.


We work with you to foster emotional and spiritual upgrades. We’ll address the physical, emotional, and energetic aspects of your being, creating a nurturing environment for healing and personal growth. Whether you seek relief from stress, emotional healing, or a deeper connection with yourself, we provide sacred space where your unique path is respected and supported.

We recommend pairing somatics and reiki with our other offerings.

Explore holistic programs

Reiki Energy Healing Session

One hour including intake

3 Reiki Energy Healing Sessions

3 x one-hour sessions, including intake

Intuitive Somatics Session

One and a half hours, including intake


Holistic Nutrition


Holistic Programs